Saturday 8 June 2013

Volunteering at the Vancouver Children's Festival

The last Friday, my son and I had a great opportunity working as volunteers at the Vancouver Children's Festival on Granville Island. The weather had expecting sunny and warm. We were meet with Andrea and others students at the "Keg" restaurant at the middle of Island. After that we went to the Volunteer House to sing in our attending. We worked at the music area with some volunteers. There we showed chidren how they could to make different soudns to use handmade instrumets. Some of them were create from metal plates and it look like a xylophone. There for playing you should use wood sticks. We felt thrilled and excited to worked there.  

Monday 27 May 2013

My own small garden

A long time I had a dream about my own garden. This weekend my husband and I realized this idea in the reality. Although our balcony usually is windy because it has a front view to the ocean. We decided to decorate our balcony with flowers and make our small garden. We went to a garden market in Steveston. There is the small market but it has a big variety of flowers and plants. I spent about an hour there enjoyed the wonderful smell that flying around me. We were able to choose several beautiful flowers and plants for us. We were absolutely satisfied. After all we had an unforgettable lunch with fresh seafood at the restaurant on the sea side. The next our stop was at the Home Depot store where we bought all supples for landing such as flower pots, soil and etc. After that we came back home and started to create our small garden. I'm very appreciate to my husband for the help because he made the most of the landing work. Now it seems amazing! It's inspiring me to rise and care of our garden in the future. I'm sure, we will have a delightful time there. It's so romantic.

My son's birthday!!!!

Last Sunday we celebrated my son's birthday at the Stanley park. First of all we invited my son's friends with their parents. The day was expecting fantastic, warm and sunny. The place when we decided to celebrate was in the middle of Stanley park. This is meadow seemed like a green rug with bright sunshine in the blue sky and huge cedars around it. I love this meadow because it could to hide you from eyes anybody. We prepared a lot of entertainment  for everyone but especially for children. My husband and I bought many bubbles, sweat delicious and fruits. At the end of party Daniel blew out candles on his birthday cake and we all together sang song for him. Daniel was excited to get a lot of gifts and wishes. Every one of parents took a part to play with kids. There we spent almost all day, enjoy the weather and communicate to each other. Definitely, it was a delightful day when everybody had a fun. I believe that Daniel had a ball on this day.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Volunteering at the BMO Marathon

Yesterday, I had a great opportunity to attend at the BMO Marathon as a volunteer. It was Canada's largest marathon, with 18,000 runners. The weather was delightfully sunny and warm. The marathon should start at 8.30 but I met with our team captain Andrea and other volunteers at 7.30 a.m. at the our station. Our location was on the corner Blanka St. at 16th Ave. First of all, we got some instruction from our trainers about what we should do. After that we started to prepare water and power bars jell for runners. The trainer warned us about that we will be getting about 5 runners at the 1 sec when it started. We decided to share our work between each other. When it started we all of us were are ready. Some volunteers filled water to water cups, others gave it to runners, another offered  power bars to them. It seemed there exciting. At the same point, the runners got so much that they started bumping into each other because someone didn't stop when they picked up water. The cups with water fall down and the water splashed everywhere. It was hilarious. The runners were strong and didn’t give up. I think, we did a hard and wonderful job. It was really exciting. Definitely, I’ll  take a part of other events as a volunteer because it has given me a good experience and a lot of fun. Finally, we took some picture our team. One of them I share with you.

Monday 6 May 2013

This letter to apply for volunteer position at the Vancouver Children's Festival

Dear Diana,

I'm writing to apply for a volunteer position at Vancouver International Children's Festival.
My name is Yana Bobrova. I'm student ISS of BC Andrea's ELSA 4 class. I am definetely interested in working with children and I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity. I can work on  May 31st  from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. and  I can do any job there. I can especially do face painting  for children. It appeals to me because I'm a professional artist. If you have any questions about my personality or my professional  skills, please contact me by phone or email.

I'm looking forward to working with you!

Yana Bobrova
Tel. (604) 363-5836

Poor road conditions

Audio recording >>

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Pizza Day

Dear Mrs. Coleman,

We are writing this request regarding Pizza day's menu. We really need your help. We are very concerned about our children's health. Frankly, foods such as doughnuts and sugary drinks that you serve children to go with pizza can't be called healthy. We know, the children usually have a lot of fun at this event and they like food like that. However, all schools are talking about healthy eating and statistics confirm the problem of childhood obesity. Therefore, we shouldn't forget about their health as well. We think the school should be setting a better example to promote nutrition in our children's life. We would be grateful if you change the menu. It would be better to give children fruits and juice instead of sugary drinks.

We greatly appreciate your help.


All parents

Tuesday 30 April 2013

My impression of Hawaii!

Two weeks ago my family took a marvelous trip to Hawaii. It took six hours flight from Bellingham to Honolulu, Oahu Island. We stayed in the beach-hotel at one of the most famous Honolulu's beaches, Waikiki beach. From our balcony we had a thrilling view as endless expanse of ocean, crystal white sand, lovely sun and enormous palms. It was surprised when we found in the lobby our hotel has a Oceanarium restaurant. It has the glass-walled depths of the 280,000-gallon oceanarium there we saw stingrays and tropical fish swimming by the same time when you are eating. Exactly, it really amazing tropical Paradise and now we were here! Frankly, at the first minutes I understood that I really like Hawaii. I loved the atmosphere that around you because it is special. The first days, we spent all our time on the beach, enjoying of sun, blue warm water and relax. Then we decided to discover all Island by the car. We rented a car and stared our trip. We visited a lot of lovely beaches, thrilling views, different kind of plants and flowers. At the all of our way we had gorgeous nature around us. Unfortunately, we didn't find a turtles close the beaches this time but I sure, we will be do that next time. I think, Hawaii really could be called is out of this world. We enjoyed our trip and we would definitely come again.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

The Rocky Mountains are gorgeous!

I had seen many places in Europe but I always had a dream about travelling to other continent on the world. Today, I'd like to tell you about my trip to the Rocky mountains. It was six years ago and it was my first time discovering West side in Canada. So, it was the Christmas time. My husband and I travelled to Rocky Mountains for 5 days. First of all, we rented a car and compered our travel tour. Only we started our way, we noticed how to delightful landscape around us. On our way to the mountains we saw many beautiful fields, rivers and mountains. Especially, it were rocks because it had compering a lot of shades and different colours as red, yellow, green and brown. It looked amazing. The waterfalls accompanied us during our way beside the road. The waterfalls were very high with crystal clean water. The same time, we met many animals that weren't scared to walk so close to the road. Every day was different. After two days we reached to the Rocky mountains. The sun was shining brightly but it was not hot. There were a lot of snow on the tops of the mountains. They were huge and cold. They looked absolutely fantastic. Sometime, some large white clouds hide the top of mountains. Then I thought, Rocky mountains are out of this world. Finally, we felt absolutely thrilled when we arrived home.

Thursday 4 April 2013

My dance experience

I'd like to share with everyone my great new dance experience.
One friend of mine invited me to the Salsa Dance Club two weeks ago.
It was my firs time and I felt excited. First of all when we came to the club there was a lot of people. The professional dancer taught us some steps and movements without music. Then he found a partner for all of us  and we started practice together with music. First time it seemed difficult, but after a few minutes I already felt thrilled. It was fantastic!!! Finally, we watched the performance of professional dancers.
It was gorgeous!!! 
I love dance so much and now I love Salsa as well.
I'm very pleased my friend for that experience and wonderful time.
I'm decided to go back there very soon for more practice.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

I'm very upset about my Spring Break

Unfortunately, all my plans fell through because one week before Spring Break Daniel cought a flu somewhere so I stayed at home with him. It was terrible because he had bad cough and fever. Fortunately, he got better very soon but then my husband and I got the virus from him and we still couldn't go out for two weeks. I was very upset about it. So you know how that is when your whole family got sick. All together we went to see our doctor for consultation and she gave us a prescription for medicine.
Now, we are getting better :)