Thursday 4 April 2013

My dance experience

I'd like to share with everyone my great new dance experience.
One friend of mine invited me to the Salsa Dance Club two weeks ago.
It was my firs time and I felt excited. First of all when we came to the club there was a lot of people. The professional dancer taught us some steps and movements without music. Then he found a partner for all of us  and we started practice together with music. First time it seemed difficult, but after a few minutes I already felt thrilled. It was fantastic!!! Finally, we watched the performance of professional dancers.
It was gorgeous!!! 
I love dance so much and now I love Salsa as well.
I'm very pleased my friend for that experience and wonderful time.
I'm decided to go back there very soon for more practice.


  1. Next time take me with you. I love Salsa! :)

    1. Yes, I will. I promise you will have a lot of fun!!!
